Festival for Solidarity

Tolerance moves Potsdam


Festival for Solidarity

A festival for Potsdamers and their guests sets a sign for tolerance, openness, solidarity, fair play and movement - public, free of charge and barrier-free - and invites everyone to spend an afternoon with sports, games, music, market and conversations.

Saturday, 15.06.2024, from 15 to 20 o'clock.

Festival for solidarity with stage program, tombola, information booths, food, ice & drinks, sport games and a charity run.

Sportsfield Sandscholle in Potsdam Babelsberg (Note: limited parking space).

How much?
The entrance is free of charge.

The festival is jointly organized by the association Neues Potsdamer Toleranzedikt e.V., SV Babelsberg 03, Oberlinhaus and Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG.


Festival grounds
14:30 - 18:00    Information booths, Hands-on activities and sport games
15:15 - 18:00    Shows
15:30 - 18:00    Tombola
16:15 - 17:00    Fundraising run

Presentation: Maximilian Engelhardt
15:00    Opening
15:30    PampelMuse MusikTheater
16:45    Kiezorchester Babelsberg
18:00    Hasenscheisse

20:00    End of the event



Akademie 2. Lebenshälfte im Land Brandenburg e. V.

Autonomes Frauenzentrum Potsdam e.V.

Beratungsfachdienst für Migrant*innen Potsdam, Diakonie

Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft (BBAG) e. V.

Brandenburg zeigt Haltung

Bündnis „Potsdam! bekennt Farbe“

Capoeira Potsdam

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft AG Potsdam

DGB Westbrandenburg

Diakonisches Werk Steglitz-Teltow e. V.



DRK Behindertenwerkstätten Potsdam gGmbH

DRK Kreisverband Potsdam/Zauch-Belzig e. V.

Einzelfallhilfe-Manufaktur e. V.

Eismeierei Babelsberg

Friedrich-Reinsch-Haus, Soziale Stadt ProPotsdam gGmbH

Kinderhilfe e. V.

Krav Maga Brandenburg/Berlin e. V.

Kultür Potsdam, Neue Kulturwege e. V.

Lindenpark, Stiftung SPI

Migrantenbeirat der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

Naturfreunde Brandenburg




Pirouette Dance Company

Potsdamer Bürgerstiftung

proWissen Potsdam e. V.

RedHawks Potsdam

Rotes Nowawes, Geschichtswerkstatt

SDG Sanitäts- und Rettungsdienst

Start with a Friend e. V.

TSC Potsblitz e. V.

Verein Taekwon-Do Potsdam e. V.


Bouncing castle

Bubble soccer



Chocolate marshmallow throwing machine

Handicrafts, games and activities

Face painting

Hair braiding

Goal wall

Rain barrel pong

Basketball hoop

Games tables



The festival is organized by the four partners Neues Potsdamer Toleranzedikt e.V., SV Babelsberg 03, Oberlinhaus and Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG are organizing the event.

After the good response, this year's festival will take place for the third time. Our idea is to organize a regional, admission-free festival for all Potsdamers, to address all generations and to win many associations and organizations for active participation.

Together we celebrate the idea of tolerance, sports, diversity, world openness and fair play. In this way, we are sending clear signals about how Potsdam's urban society wants to live.



Arrival by bike / on foot:

Coming from the Großbeerenstraße, the Kleine Str. goes off. At its end, Paul-Neumann-Str. leads to the left. From there, turn right into Franz-Mehring-Str. The Sandscholle is on the right-hand side.

Arrival by public transport:

Travelling by public transport is possible via the stations S Babelsberg (S7) and Medienstadt Babelsberg (RE7). From there, the Sandscholle can be reached either by a slightly longer walk, or by bus lines 601, 619, 690 (Kleine Straße stop).

Parking is available only to a limited extent.



Feedback or questions?

Tomáš Gering

Project Management & Social Media

Hi! My name is Tomáš and I am the contact person for all topics concerning the festival Tolerance moves Potsdam.